Friday, May 22, 2020

Conjugating Détruire Will Not Destroy Your French

When you wish to speak about something being destroyed in French, use the verb  dà ©truire. Literally meaning to destroy, this verb must be conjugated to take on the past tense as well as the present destroying or the future will destroy. This is one of the challenging French verb conjugations, so a quick lesson is necessary. Conjugating the French Verb  Dà ©truire Dà ©truire  is an  irregular verb, meaning it does not follow one of the more common verb conjugation patterns. However, all  French verbs ending in  -uire  are conjugated in the same manner. You can apply the same endings you learn here to similar words like  conduire  (to drive) or construire  (to build). To conjugate the verb, simply pair the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense of your sentence. For instance, I destroy is je dà ©truis and we will destroy is nous dà ©truirons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je dà ©truis dà ©truirai dà ©truisais tu dà ©truis dà ©truiras dà ©truisais il dà ©truit dà ©truira dà ©truisait nous dà ©truisons dà ©truirons dà ©truisions vous dà ©truisez dà ©truirez dà ©truisiez ils dà ©truisent dà ©truiront dà ©truisiez The Present Participle of  Dà ©truire The  present participle  of dà ©truire  is  dà ©truisant.  It may be used as an adjective, gerund, or noun as well s a verb. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The past tense can be expressed with the imperfect or the  passà © composà ©. To form the latter, begin by conjugating the  auxiliary verb  avoir, then add the  past participle  dà ©truit. For instance, I destroyed is jai dà ©truit and we destroyed is nous avons dà ©truit. More Simple  Dà ©truire  Conjugations to Learn Among the simplest and most common conjugations of  dà ©truire  are the verb moods that express a degree of uncertainty to the action of destroying. The subjunctive is a perfect example. When that action is dependent on something else happening, the conditional verb mood can be used instead. You will encounter the passà © simple most often in literature and other formal French writing. The ability to at least recognize it  as well as the imperfect subjunctive will aid in your reading comprehension. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je dà ©truise dà ©truirais dà ©truisis dà ©truisisse tu dà ©truises dà ©truirais dà ©truisis dà ©truisisses il dà ©truise dà ©truirait dà ©truisit dà ©truisà ®t nous dà ©truisions dà ©truirions dà ©truisà ®mes dà ©truisissions vous dà ©truisiez dà ©truiriez dà ©truisà ®tes dà ©truisissiez ils dà ©truisent dà ©truiraient dà ©truisirent dà ©truisissent Short and often assertive commands and requests require the imperative form. When using this, the subject pronoun can be dropped, leaving you with dà ©truis rather than tu dà ©truis. Imperative (tu) dà ©truis (nous) dà ©truisons (vous) dà ©truisez

Friday, May 8, 2020

I Discovered One Of The Top Technologies For Teacher...

Planboard There are many different types of technology that may be used within the classroom to keep teachers prepared, organized and enthusiastic. Through online research I found an article published by Edudemic, a website dedicated to help promote technology within the classroom. The article is titled, 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About. This is where I discovered one of the top technologies for teacher organization and lesson planning. Planboard is ranked number twenty-three overall and second in the category of ‘Lesson Planning and Tools: Use these tech tools to pull together great lessons and design amazing and memorable student projects’. Planboard Free is free to download. It includes 100 lesson plans and 25MB of storage. Planboard Pro is an upgraded version that includes unlimited lesson plans, unlimited standards, and 1GB of storage (Edshelf) Planboard is much more than just a calendar and organizer. The program allows a teacher to pla n classes, track standards and collaborate together with other teachers to form new lesson plan ideas. Planboard helps keep teachers organized but also lets them be flexible with a program that allows for easy change. Planboard is accessible anywhere, offers a completely free downloadable program and is available as an application for a smartphone and other handheld devices. Planboard helps teachers easily maintain their busy schedules from virtually anywhere with an internet connection. Planboard’sShow MoreRelatedThe Shift Of Interest From Outputs Generated By Smart Computers1414 Words   |  6 Pagesbeginning of a serious passion and engagement with technology as a discipline and a field of learning. The exciting and appealing graphics of the best virtual reality games became less significant than the design, the techniques, the algorithms and the concepts that enabled those compelling features. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to Conduct a Theatre Audition Free Essays

How to Conduct a Theatre Audition When conducting auditions for a play, it is of utmost importance to establish an attitude of professionalism from the get-go. One must pay attention to detail and manage human resources well in order to make accurate casting decisions. Like any employer, directors must be careful to cast each role with the right candidate. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Conduct a Theatre Audition or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, it is crucial that producers and directors preemptively take care of logistical issues so that they may focus on each actor’s audition. 1. Step 1 Secure a place and a time for your auditions. Studio spaces, vacant theaters, and conference rooms provide a professional atmosphere and ample space. You should book this space at least a month in advance. If you are auditioning for a musical, ensure that the room has good acoustics and make arrangements to hire an accompanist and a choreographer. 2. Step 2 Inform Stage Management of the time and place of auditions. If you do not have a Stage Manager or ASM yet, then ask your friends if they would be willing to help you conduct auditions. It is vitally important that you have at least two other people help you with the audition process. 3. Step 3 Write a breakdown of the roles that you need to cast. You should include the approximate age, gender, and race of each character, if applicable. Include contact information so that the actors can make an appointment and send headshots and resumes. 4. Step 4 Go through the play and select scenes that will give the actors the ability to show their stuff. These are called sides. Make sure you have someone in the room to read with the actors. 5. Step 5 Get the word out. Place ads in theatre magazines, send audition notices to agents, send out blast e-mails, etc. You need to make sure everyone knows about your auditions. 6. Step 6 On the day of the audition, arrive at the theater an hour before auditions are scheduled to begin. Bring copies of the play, a production schedule, a pen, paper, and a folder. Ask your Assistant Stage Manager to serve as a receptionist. Your Stage Manager should be in the audition room with you. 7. Step 7 When an actor walks into the audition room, greet them kindly. Auditions make many actors nervous. Ask them to begin their audition when they are ready. When they are finished, simply thank them and then make detailed notes about their audition. 8. Step 8 When you have finished with auditions, go home and organize the headshots by character. Narrow down your choices. If you are having callbacks, then notify your Stage Manager which actors have secured a callback. If not, then make your casting decisions and notify your Stage Manager, who will in turn notify the actors. How to cite How to Conduct a Theatre Audition, Essay examples